Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Ah.. sweet luxuries of life...
Four days without high speed Internet. Almost as bad as a few days without running water, I have no idea how dependent I have become on the things we take for granted. Limited access to internet for me means less interaction with friends and family. More pressure to focus on activities and plan ahead. I am so spontaneous and laissez-faire that if drives people around me a bit nuts at times. The past few days with little internet and projects here, USA and in the "cloud" I have been challenged.
Last night I walked out of my nearby house and stood on sidewalk in front of the government center. It was 9:15 ish. Technically, not dangerous, but with no street lamps I could not see anything till the last minute. It is a C- neighborhood. Not very good, but not the worst. The problem is that bad things happen in all neighborhoods: even the areas with private security. I was not frightened per se, but I was aware of read, send and go home quickly.
Anyway, today I am enjoying the benefits of TurtleNet here at work. About the speed of AOL dial up circa 1996. Ok for email, but not much else. So much of what I do is photography that is is very limiting.
Another day in the life... I prepared a cute foto presentation of Suzi this morning and can hopefully get that up and running.....
Pray for the kids here at Easter please. Little planned to celebrate the Day in our Lord's life
Friday, March 26, 2010
WOWIE ZOWIE 250 Pounds of Clothing - Junior League of SUmmit is the BEST

Thank you so very much to the "Thrift Shop" in Summit operated by the Junior League of Summit. They have thoughtfully renamed the store, "The Second Time Round." For the second time they have come through with terrific quantity of donated clothing.
I have always known that they do fine work and really help people, but I can tell you from today's vantage point, this is awesome. My "kids" really need this stuff and I had started taping out my immediate friends and family for used clothing donations. Because of Continental Airlines, I am able to check three large bags with up to 75 pounds each at no additional charges. I have the blessing to see first hand how the things that we are able to discard is put to very good use.
So. please support and thank the Junior League near you....
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
The Lord Loves a cheerful giver.
This morning a friend made a generous contribution to CadaNino. Most of you know my ambivalence and self consciousness when it comes to asking for money for the kids. I feel good that almost all of my expenses go towards supporting them, so at least I am eating my own cooking.
My pal gave in a way that reminded me of this parable. For me, it is always a challenge. When I had a good job and my tithe looked substantial, was I doing enough? We won't know for some time to come, but I know in this case, he was stretching to make the gift and that means a lot. I told him first and formost to always pray for CadaNino and all the kids. I always thought people just said that and because I was in sales, I always thought only of making the sale. From my current vantage point, I really see that better now..... Anyway, to refresh your memory of Mark 12
The Widow's Offering
41 Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury. Many rich people threw in large amounts. 42 But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins,[j]worth only a fraction of a penny.[k]
43 Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, "I tell you the truth, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. 44They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything—all she had to live on."
My pal gave in a way that reminded me of this parable. For me, it is always a challenge. When I had a good job and my tithe looked substantial, was I doing enough? We won't know for some time to come, but I know in this case, he was stretching to make the gift and that means a lot. I told him first and formost to always pray for CadaNino and all the kids. I always thought people just said that and because I was in sales, I always thought only of making the sale. From my current vantage point, I really see that better now..... Anyway, to refresh your memory of Mark 12
The Widow's Offering
41 Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury. Many rich people threw in large amounts. 42 But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins,[j]worth only a fraction of a penny.[k]
43 Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, "I tell you the truth, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. 44They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything—all she had to live on."
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Great Event at Zoo for Down Syndrome Day.
My writing skill do not begin to give justice to this special event. It was one of the most heart warming and moving events of my adult life. Obviously, having worked in this realm the past year I had greater appreciation for the whole event and how much it meant to my kids to watch. We only took 3 of our Downs kids and 12 of our other kids with special needs. They were really appreciative and responded very well. Two hours walking around the animals was a hoot, but perhaps tiring
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
International Down Syndrome day! Did you know?
That March 21st is designated as Down Syndrome Day? I did not until it was brought to my attention. We are participating in the day here in Guatemala tomorrow at the Zoo. Not sure how large the event is, but certainly looking forward to it. We have five children with Downs and they are wonderful.
"Down Syndrome International (DSI) has officially earmarked 21 March as World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD). The date was chosen to signify the uniqueness of Down syndrome in the triplication (trisomy) of the 21st chromosome and is used synonymously with Down syndrome. Commemoration of World Down Syndrome Day started on 21 March 2006, it has " grown " manifold globally."
"The annual observance of WDSD aims to promote awareness and understanding of Down syndrome and related issues : and to mobilise support and recognition of the dignity, rights and well being of persons with Down syndrome.
DSi has decided not to designate specific themes , thus giving greater flexibility for individuals and organisations Worldwide to select a theme that would be relevant to their community. Most WDSD activities have had a tremendous impact , as it showcases the abilities, talents and accomplishments of persons with Down syndrome. Celebrating WDSD proactively has empowered persons with Down syndrome and their communities globally. Many have partnered and engaged with civil society & youth with positive outcomes."
"Down Syndrome International (DSI) has officially earmarked 21 March as World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD). The date was chosen to signify the uniqueness of Down syndrome in the triplication (trisomy) of the 21st chromosome and is used synonymously with Down syndrome. Commemoration of World Down Syndrome Day started on 21 March 2006, it has " grown " manifold globally."
"The annual observance of WDSD aims to promote awareness and understanding of Down syndrome and related issues : and to mobilise support and recognition of the dignity, rights and well being of persons with Down syndrome.
DSi has decided not to designate specific themes , thus giving greater flexibility for individuals and organisations Worldwide to select a theme that would be relevant to their community. Most WDSD activities have had a tremendous impact , as it showcases the abilities, talents and accomplishments of persons with Down syndrome. Celebrating WDSD proactively has empowered persons with Down syndrome and their communities globally. Many have partnered and engaged with civil society & youth with positive outcomes."
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Seven Baptisms ...One day.
As the unofficial cameraman, I was busy clicking away during the immersions. The Holy Spirit was present and all were moved. Great to see Staci, Katey and Alycia take the plunge. They are really great young woman. Fun to see Quique in his undershirt in the pool as well. God is Good.
Henri Nouwen
I was introduced to the writings and teachings of this guy awhile ago. I thought his material interesting and relevant, but I did not dig into it. Lately, I spend more time reading him and listening to his audio and video. He is able to articulate the feelings and connections when working with special kids in a way that I admire.
I also receive a quote of the day from his organization: From Today:
Bringing the Spirit Through Leaving
It is often in our absence that the Spirit of God manifests itself. When Jesus left his disciples he said: "It is for your own good that I am going, because unless I go, the Paraclete [the Spirit] will not come to you. However, when the Spirit of truth comes he will lead you to the complete truth" (John 16: 7;13). It was only in Jesus' absence that his friends discovered the full meaning of his presence. It was only in his absence that they completely understood his words and experienced full communion with him; and it was only in his absence that they could gather in a community of faith, hope, and love.
When we claim for ourselves that we come to our friends in the Name of Jesus - that through us Jesus becomes present to them - we can trust that our leaving will also bring them the Spirit of Jesus. Thus, not only our presence but also our absence becomes a gift to others.
I also receive a quote of the day from his organization: From Today:
Bringing the Spirit Through Leaving
It is often in our absence that the Spirit of God manifests itself. When Jesus left his disciples he said: "It is for your own good that I am going, because unless I go, the Paraclete [the Spirit] will not come to you. However, when the Spirit of truth comes he will lead you to the complete truth" (John 16: 7;13). It was only in Jesus' absence that his friends discovered the full meaning of his presence. It was only in his absence that they completely understood his words and experienced full communion with him; and it was only in his absence that they could gather in a community of faith, hope, and love.
When we claim for ourselves that we come to our friends in the Name of Jesus - that through us Jesus becomes present to them - we can trust that our leaving will also bring them the Spirit of Jesus. Thus, not only our presence but also our absence becomes a gift to others.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Visit to Fundaninos in San Jose Pinula
Always a fun afternoon. There is amazing construction going on. The missionaries from Acts 29 are finishing the second floor of the infant and toddler house. So much activity and joy!! The traffic in and out of the city was unbelievable. Tio Edgar commented that it was one of the worst days of traffic in his 5 year tenure as taxista.
Fiddling with PhotoBooth we had fun.
Fiddling with PhotoBooth we had fun.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Kemp asks Waller for Football Advice...
The highlight of the weekend was Jeff Kemp (former NFL Quarterback) asking me about how to improve his football skills. Having watched football for years, I offered him several unsolicited pointers and advice on plays, techniques and rules. He graciously accepted my input and will clearly benefit from the insights of this armchair Quarterback.
Special shout out to Ted, Jim, Robby, Ellen, Warren, Jennifer, Mary Margaret, Tim, Paul, John, Bob, Stuart, Nancy,Jeff, Wendy and of course Ed.
Make sure you see Kim Dawson's new film, "Letters to God"
The best part of the conference as always was the late night Prayer gathering. Stuart leads us and really touches all of us. The other highlight for me was the opportunity to tell friends about where we are in our journey and get their insights into where we go. Studying other models for ministry and mission are helpful to our journey. All of us have unique and common challenges. I am happy to learn at the feet of such a wonderful teacher and fantastic classmates.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Prayer Works.. Thanks for prayers for my Mom
Just got this note from my brother.... very very good news
"Bee called me after getting home from her latest consult with Shattner. The CT scan taken on Monday indicates that the problem spot identified in the CT scan from October is no longer there. Shattner said this is very good news and asked Bee to come back for a checkup in 6 months. Bee did not know why the change, and really does not care.
Bee was elated and felt like a great weight had been lifted. She also indicated that the reduced creatinine levels reported by her nephrologist had also been very welcome news that made her feel much relieved."
"Bee called me after getting home from her latest consult with Shattner. The CT scan taken on Monday indicates that the problem spot identified in the CT scan from October is no longer there. Shattner said this is very good news and asked Bee to come back for a checkup in 6 months. Bee did not know why the change, and really does not care.
Bee was elated and felt like a great weight had been lifted. She also indicated that the reduced creatinine levels reported by her nephrologist had also been very welcome news that made her feel much relieved."
¨¨Shocked.. I tell you I am shocked¨¨
The quote from Casablanca when the inspector discovers gambling inside of Rick´s cafe.
Eleven-month investigation led to the dismantling of a clandestine structure dedicated to drug trafficking, which was embedded in the National Civil Police (PNC), so yesterday was captured Baltazar Gomez, director of that institution, and two in charge of fighting drug in the country.
The investigations were made by the International Commission against Impunity in Guatemala (CICIG), prosecutors and investigators from the Interior.
The investigation began with the armed confrontation occurred in April 2009 in Amatitlan, when it was established that a police party of the cargo robbed drug traffickers linked to the Zetas.
It was thus found that Baltazar Gomez, who until recently served as director of the PNC; Nelly Bonilla, principal in charge of combating drug trafficking, and the officer Fernando Carrillo, highlighted in the Ports and Airports of that institution, were part dome responsible for several robberies of drug.
Eleven-month investigation led to the dismantling of a clandestine structure dedicated to drug trafficking, which was embedded in the National Civil Police (PNC), so yesterday was captured Baltazar Gomez, director of that institution, and two in charge of fighting drug in the country.
The investigations were made by the International Commission against Impunity in Guatemala (CICIG), prosecutors and investigators from the Interior.
The investigation began with the armed confrontation occurred in April 2009 in Amatitlan, when it was established that a police party of the cargo robbed drug traffickers linked to the Zetas.
It was thus found that Baltazar Gomez, who until recently served as director of the PNC; Nelly Bonilla, principal in charge of combating drug trafficking, and the officer Fernando Carrillo, highlighted in the Ports and Airports of that institution, were part dome responsible for several robberies of drug.
First Testimonial of visiting Missionary .
My buddy Nelson came down and jumped right into the fray. He has a heart for service and needy children. Here is his commentary:
I had one of the most amazing and rewarding experiences in my life when I visited the complex that Jamie volunteers with the special kids in Guatemala city.
Jamie and I spent my days in Guatemala playing with the kids and talking to them and we tried to give the all the love that they are lacking from being abandoned from their own families. It is really amazing how much love these kids need; they would come up to you and give you a hug with so much love and express their gratitude by telling you things such as thank you, or thank you and you are my dad.
It really left me with tears on my eyes just to see how good these people are and the extraordinary job that Jamie is doing down there, and I really cannot wait to go back.
The most shocking of my trip was when I fed a kid who was on a wheelchair and he could not even pick up his own spoon to feed himself, it really makes you thank God and think about the things you take for granted such as something that we do so routinely and we don't even think about it like eating, smiling, walking, etc..
I hope that more people start coming down and help these kids because they really need it. It makes me upset when I see that the normal orphan kids get so much help from our country but not too many of us are willing to deal with the special need kids and they are the ones that need it the most. If you ever want to come down and help I assure you it will be a tremendous rewarding experience and also Guatemala is a great place to vacation after you are done helping.
I had one of the most amazing and rewarding experiences in my life when I visited the complex that Jamie volunteers with the special kids in Guatemala city.
Jamie and I spent my days in Guatemala playing with the kids and talking to them and we tried to give the all the love that they are lacking from being abandoned from their own families. It is really amazing how much love these kids need; they would come up to you and give you a hug with so much love and express their gratitude by telling you things such as thank you, or thank you and you are my dad.
It really left me with tears on my eyes just to see how good these people are and the extraordinary job that Jamie is doing down there, and I really cannot wait to go back.
The most shocking of my trip was when I fed a kid who was on a wheelchair and he could not even pick up his own spoon to feed himself, it really makes you thank God and think about the things you take for granted such as something that we do so routinely and we don't even think about it like eating, smiling, walking, etc..
I hope that more people start coming down and help these kids because they really need it. It makes me upset when I see that the normal orphan kids get so much help from our country but not too many of us are willing to deal with the special need kids and they are the ones that need it the most. If you ever want to come down and help I assure you it will be a tremendous rewarding experience and also Guatemala is a great place to vacation after you are done helping.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Monday, March 1, 2010
Guatemala Adoptions?
Need to be a detective to figure out what this means. Also, what it means to CRPN.
Through a letter, Hans van Loon, Secretary General of the Hague Conference on Private International Law-entity that oversees the implementation of the Hague Convention on international adoptions, "reaffirms its support for the pilot project of the entity Guatemala.
Through a letter, Hans van Loon, Secretary General of the Hague Conference on Private International Law-entity that oversees the implementation of the Hague Convention on international adoptions, "reaffirms its support for the pilot project of the entity Guatemala.
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First Rate Visits CadaNino
Not the Most Welcoming Signage

Welcome!! Bienvenido
CRPN is completing it's construction project.
The developmentally disabled kids at CRPN are growing and responding nicely. God's love and support from the government have substantially improved the quality of life for the residents since the beginning of the year. Improved nutrition, medicine and housing have been awesome.
Cada Nino Mission
CadaNino is committed to helping Guatemalan Orphans and kids in need. With an emerging relationship with Fundaninos and CRPN (Centro Residencial Psiquiatrico y Neurologico), we endeavor to show God's love for these kids through a variety of support initiatives.
Blog Archive
- Happy Gurl!!
- Ah.. sweet luxuries of life...
- WOWIE ZOWIE 250 Pounds of Clothing - Junior Leag...
- The Lord Loves a cheerful giver.
- Great Event at Zoo for Down Syndrome Day.
- Fresh Water... or "Water Water everywhere and not ...
- International Down Syndrome day! Did you know?
- Seven Baptisms ...One day.
- Henri Nouwen
- Visit to Fundaninos in San Jose Pinula
- Kemp asks Waller for Football Advice...
- Doctor Director... we are hard at work
- Prayer Works.. Thanks for prayers for my Mom
- ¨¨Shocked.. I tell you I am shocked¨¨
- First Testimonial of visiting Missionary .
- Carwash and Planting flowers
- more about Adoptions
- Guatemala Adoptions?
CadaNino Followers
Jamie Waller

- Don Jaime de Speculator
- Speculator, New York, United States
- I am a Christian missionary working in Guatemala. I spend most my time in Guate, but maintain a residence in Suburban NY.
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