Después de todo lo que ha pasado en nuestro país queremos agradecer a Dios por la vida de cada uno de ustedes, porque están bien y podemos continuar amando, sirviendo y compartiendo con todos aquellos a quienes amamos.
Los queremos mucho y en medio de todo el trabajo que no dudo nos absorve tantoa todos, queremos que sepan que todos estan en nuestros corazones y... qué bueno es poder escribirles y expresarles nuestro cariño.
Oremos por todas esas familias que hoy estan sufriendo, ayudemos a quienes podamos yno nos olvidemos de compartir el glorioso Evangelio de nuestro amado Jesus, Recordemos que !Cristo en Nosotros es la Esperanza de Gloria para muchos!
Bendiciones en el Señor,
Con amor en nuestro Señor Jesús,
Quique &Carol Cazali
Un lugar de Futuro y Esperanza
Monday, May 31, 2010
Yesterday's Sermon was great. I am sooooo close on my Spanish
I re-dedicate myself to an expanded vocabulary.... Come along if you'd like
Sunday, May 30, 2010
VERY very sad day ...
Learned that a friend was killed here on Thursday. He had started a new job within the past month to earn a bit more money. He leaves a wife and a young son. Very sad and scary. Not to diminish his death or victimize the victim, but bus driving is one of the most dangerous jobs in this country. RIP.
God can use the Internet and FaceBook

The first friend to reach out to me about the continuing natural disasters here in Guatemala this morning is an old friend from work. I haven't her in person in almost five years, but I know they are praying for the kids here and me. Isn't that amazing? God touches each heart in a different way at a different time and we have no idea how he will use us. Or, importantly, when and how He will use us.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
May Birthdays!!
Prayers - Blessings and hopefully CAKE!! ??
Anahi 7
Ingrid 10
Clarita 24
Pasucal 23
Jon 18
Milvia May 10
Jeanet May 11
Alida May 31
Anahi 7
Ingrid 10
Clarita 24
Pasucal 23
Jon 18
Milvia May 10
Jeanet May 11
Alida May 31
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
I knew I should not have left....
Where to begin. So much went on in my absence and soooo much catch up...
Anahi had both legs operated on Monday. She has the cutest little blue casts on her legs. SHe stayed overnight in the hospital and is back home. All the iniciales moved back into the infirmary. I may be able to poach their former bedroom as my classroom.
Because a high ranking government official was slated to visit here, there were lot's of improvements to the physical plant. Yippee!! Under a separate group of fotos or videos I will post some of the good stuff.
Good news - Bad News.... Ingrid turned 10 and had the accompanying maturing female thing. If I need to explain my position to you please skip this paragraph. I am very happy that her physionomy will support a normal life expectancy hormonal life.
Angelito went today to be fitted for walking braces. When he gets them, I think he'll still need something to stimulate his brain and the desire to crawl and walk.
Flora and Aura helped me bag 42 popcorn snacks. Very time consuming. Turns out that she has attended "third grade" and can read a bit and count well. Her seizures are quite profound and I am so very sad when she has one when around me. I hope to figure out how to help her learn.
Eight year old Heidi is adoptable. The USA is not part of the four country pilot program now that Guatemala is ostensibly compliant with the Hague Convention on International Adoption. She is a delight and very sweet child.
I go with MM to Antigua on Friday to see if Angelito can be part of an intensive three month program to stimulate his crawling and walking. They have a broad spectrum of medical capabilities there. Let's pray for Angel.
My lunch club continues to provide me with the best meal of the day. They will close the pool for a month to fix it up. I suspect their total expense won't even equal my 1/200th of the upgrade at the SHort Hills Club.
Little Lizzie Waller followed up with my pal Wendy Wright in D.C. They had a great activity today.
When in Arlington we started planning next two missions trip here. Very exciting and lot's to do.
We are in talks with the local Telethon and hope to participate at some level. We'll see.
There are several sidebar issues. Staffing and compensation as always.. Activities... trips..
Tomorrow we take 20 kids to the park Campo Marti for an outing. SHould be nice.
Thanks for your prayers and reading this...
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Back to Guate...
Thanks to you all for a great visit... Lizzie, JJ, Jay, Dave, Kat, Ann, Jud, Audrey, Brij, Jennifer, Ellen, Erin and of course, Stuart and Nancy. Stu and Nancy asked me to share my Testimony today at Church. I enjoyed it and had positive feedback. Fortunately, Bob preached after my short talk. He did a great job and is a phenomenal speaker and his testimony and delivery way above my pay grade....
A great 10 days in Florida, Texas and D.C. I can't wait to get back and see the kids. 3:30 am comes around quickly.... p+l
Saturday, May 22, 2010
One Year Anniversary!! Thanks ya'all
Year in Review
What a fascinating first year we have had at CadaNiño here in Guatemala City. We have firmly established a long term working relationship with the government owned and operated, psychiatric hospital for developmentally disabled orphans. I sometimes refer to our tiny ministry as glorified Candy Stripers (auxiliary hospital volunteers); lots of joy and laughter, but limited line production inside of a complex hospital orphanage. Our small group of five physical therapists are there to help and support the government's medical and administrative staff. Our primary focus has been on los Niños iniciales*, the four children who are completely disabled and that live in the infirmary. In the past twelve months, Ingrid, Angel, Suzi and Anahi have made significant strides in their physical, spiritual and intellectual development. We continue to believe that Ingrid and Anahi will one day walk and that Suzi and Angel will continue to have greater mobility and dexterity.
In January, I moved into my new apartment across from the center. By Guatemalan standards it is quite luxurious and by the standards set last year bouncing around hostels, and boarding houses, it's very nice. (Pictured above: Ramon, Lucas, Jamie)
My view of the southwestern part of the city and country include: a large part of where my kids play outside, unbelievable sunsets and three active volcanoes. The neighborhood is relatively nice and safe by local standards. We are near the airport, the military base and several schools.
The first quarter has not been without its challenges. For a variety of reasons, the general population of the center has increased to around 70 full time residents. This time last year we accommodated only 50, but with the successful completion of a wonderful construction project, we had space for more residents. Unfortunately, the general fund of the hospital did not include an increase in staff. In fact, we (they) have actually shrunk headcount a bit. Additionally, limited finances have pinched the budget for medicines. This situation appears to be improving for now and we do need to be thankful that modern medicine has made this all possible.
Our first Missions-visit trip was a rousing success. We have several great ideas for future groups, interns and maybe even some full time missionaries. It's a quirky environment here, but generally clean and safe. Everything works: "kind of" or "eventually." The missionary visitors are four women who work together at First Rate, Inc. in Dallas Texas: Katherine Brown, Ann Lane, Bridgit Stone and Audrey Whitesides. They immediately bonded with the kids and were profoundly moved by their evolving relationships. One of our more senior residents (Cecilia) elicited a deep and profound moment when she lead us all in prayer after a long day at the center. Additionally, CadaNiño is involved or funding a wide range of educational and entertainment activities for all the children at the center.
On a personal note; I remained enthused and committed to this ministry. It is fun, challenging and exciting. Though I visit USA frequently, I miss my family and friends. I continue to fund 100% of my expenses and the organization's overhead, with all financial donations going directly to the salaries of the physical therapists and nannies. They typically earn between $200 and $300 per month and are frequently single Moms with mouths to feed. It is rewarding to know that it is a win-win situation. The children receive additional help and the employee's are able to make ends meet.
A recent acquisition by CadaNiño is an Orville Redenbacher Hot Air popcorn maker. This has been a huge success. The kids thrill to see the swirling kernels rapidly pop-up and overflow out of the machine. Now if we can only get the ratio of butter and salt perfected....
Hope you will keep us in your prayers and consider us in your giving efforts this year. Also, we would love to host you or a group in this beautiful country. The Mayan history here is truly amazing and visitors are always amazed by the beauty of the country and the kindness of its people.
In His name,
Founder CadaNiño Ministries
Friday, May 21, 2010
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Indulge me a little Patriotism
We had a guest in the hostal last night from Nigeria. I showed her around the neighborhood; the bakery, Shucos, frutas and tiendas. She did her undergraduate in Houston and heads to Cornell for graduate studies in September. Her worldview was in many areas the opposite of mine.
When we chatted this morning she indicated that she had not had such a positive view of the USA until her recent nine month travel. Apparently, many of the issues that she sees as shortcomings in America she found in all the countries of her travels. In fact, she noted, they are worse!!
Stealing from Churchill and others, we agreed: "Representative Democracy is a terrible form of government, but it's the best by far ever invented." (apologies for inaccuracies of the quote)
Monday, May 10, 2010
Never ever fight with girls Chupete pierda a una muchacha
They might win!!
Garbage Truck
So I was following this garbage truck and a young man was sitting down and reading a book. I like to think it was the Bible.
By the time I was able to take a photo, he had prepared for their next stop. The sanitation workers union here is not very strong (non-existetnt) so it is typically a pretty bad job with ow wages and few amenities.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
We celebrated Mother's Day on Friday!!
Our trip to the park to workout for the Special Olympis was re-scheduled because our transport bus had lost it's brakes. Hopefully, we'll have it back by Monday. We had one child returned to her family home because of improved housing and food circumstances. It's great to see this when it can happen.
During the Mothers day celebration, I offered a brief prayer thanking God for our Moms and asking special consideration for those who have already gone to be with the Lord. Our teaching assistants planned and executed the event and introduced a couple of fun and hysterical parlor games. Watch for the videos...
Bless you for thinking of us here....
. .
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