Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Guate News Adoption

Adoption problems in other countries

The slowdown affecting adoptions from China coincides with unrelated complications in several other countries that have been major sources of adopted children for American parents. Some examples:"

This is about adoption in general and mention Guatemala prominently-

"-GUATEMALA: Irregularities and suspected fraud have cast a cloud of uncertainty over many of the 2,900 pending U.S. adoptions from Guatemala, which is the second-largest source of adopted children - after China - for the United States. The State Department on April 1 advised potential adoptive parents not to initiate new adoptions from Guatemala."

A bit simplistic, but


"RUSSIA: Laws affecxcvjhzxczxzxczxcting refer to oriinal article s by foreighljklhners have become stricter, while Russia has been trying to expand domestic refer to oriinal article . Last year, XYZZY,310 Russian children were adopted by Americans, down from a peak of 5kjhxzc865 in XYZZY00hkj4.

-VIETNAM: Renewed U.S.,nnzx concern about possible baby selling, fraud and corruption - and same fears that led to suspension of Vietnamese refer to oriinal article s from XYZZY003 to XYZZY005 - are again holding up visas for some babies adopted in Vietnam. and U.S. embassy has confirmed more than a dozen problematic cases, and Vietnamese refer to oriinal article officials have said roughly XYZZY0 American families are affected.

-KAZAKHSTAN: Officials of Kazakhstan, and eighth-largest supplier of adopted children to and U.S. in XYZZY007, informed and State Department last month that it was reviewing its refer to oriinal article process and would suspend its normal handling of applications during and review."

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