Marta works at the center in the laundry. She has had a run of misfortune and takes care of her younger sister, Beatrize. Beatrize nearly died from Meningitis at four and is now 45. Because of her ailments she stays in their modest rented home continuously.
Marta had three grown children. Her son was murdered four years ago in a case of mistaken identity. He drove a car similar to someone on the hit list of the Mara (local gangs). He had a good job, new wife and baby and was a devoted Church goer.
Shortly after his loss, her common law husband died of cancer/old age. Then her house
burnt down and she rented the current home. She pays about 500 Q a month which is
around $40.
Beatrize has a type of epilepsy and had insufficient funds for her medications. About a month
ago, she had a seizure while home alone. She is ok, but has a nasty scar on the brow above her left
Last week, I gave Marta some money for the medicine. When I saw the box of medication, the
price tag was 44Q or about $6.00 US. I'm not sure if the meds last two weeks or a month,
but needless to say, I was taken aback by the modest total cost.
They live in a neighborhood that was quite modest. I was eager to depart before sunset.
Please pray for Marta and Beatrize.

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