Thursday, April 16, 2009

The fastest week in Guatemala

Progress and growth for all of us here. My bio kids had the opportunity to help at Fundaninos. In addition to playing with the kids a lot, they helped at the school and with basic child care. With 5 am wake ups, they also attended 6am Bible study and enjoyed the delicious high carb meals.

At the Government Center, I shared the clothing donated by Renaissance Families and participated with the Physical Therapist. Seeing her skillfully manipulate the childrens arms and legs gives me the hope that they are progressing and may enjoy some level of autonomy eventually. I delivered a radio walkman with headset to Beatrize and she is in heaven listening to music. Her teachers find it a reasonably good tool to get her to comply behaviorally. They with hold from her when she misbehaves...

this keyboard does not have normal punctuation so I apologize...

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