Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Thanks for following this Blog for 2 years!

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Thanks to all our friends for their support and donations. In addition to some quality time with my family, Summit Junior League came through again with some great clothing donations. Lot's of interest and support from new friends and old.... thank you. And when I tell you that we need prayer the most, I mean it. We are charting new waters for us and for a blended Christian ministry within a government hospital/orphanage.

In addition to all the clothes, I acquired a couple of wireless video cameras, new HD video camera, new Mac-Mini (for dual boot) and a regular digital camera (GE... how's that work Jack?? Number 1 or two in cameras? always on sale at Radio Shack).

Great time at Allen's wedding. So nice to see him so happy. Also, rented a pontoon boat for Jamie Jr.'s 25th birthday. This type of craft has come a long way in terms of comfort, speed and quiet ride. Rianna graduated from High School on Saturday and is slated to attend a division of my Alma Mater; Syracuse in September.

Byron starts with me tomorrow. Pray for him. I'm going to through it on heavy at the beginnning so he get's it. He is a terrific young man and his wife is expecting a baby in October.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Jamie,

You recently friended me on Facebook. I do not know you, but you are a friend of Joe and Ana Frankie.

I used to work in human services in upstate New York, NYC, and Long Island. I was also a public interest attorney. I helped battered women, parents of disabled children with legal issues, homeless people, Hurricane Katrina victims, victims of predatory lenders, and mentally ill people.

I feel that we have osmething in common. This is why I am puzzled by your admiration for Star Parker.

I am a Jew. I understand that you are a Christian missionary. However, my understanding of Jesus' message is that he believed in healing the sick, helping the poor, forgiving others regardless of their class or position, and turning the other cheek.

Everything Star Parker says and does appears to contradict Jesus' message. She supports political candidates who express hatred for immigrants, disparage those who are unable to afford health care, and appear anxious to cut funding for the very programs I have listed above. You know as well as I do that these programs can not rely on donations to continue their good works.

Rather than finding common ground, I believe Star Parker's rhetoric serves to divide people further. I don't believe this is what Jesus would do. - Faith Lowy