Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I knew I should not have left....

Where to begin. So much went on in my absence and soooo much catch up...

Anahi had both legs operated on Monday. She has the cutest little blue casts on her legs. SHe stayed overnight in the hospital and is back home. All the iniciales moved back into the infirmary. I may be able to poach their former bedroom as my classroom.

Because a high ranking government official was slated to visit here, there were lot's of improvements to the physical plant. Yippee!! Under a separate group of fotos or videos I will post some of the good stuff.

Good news - Bad News.... Ingrid turned 10 and had the accompanying maturing female thing. If I need to explain my position to you please skip this paragraph. I am very happy that her physionomy will support a normal life expectancy hormonal life.

Angelito went today to be fitted for walking braces. When he gets them, I think he'll still need something to stimulate his brain and the desire to crawl and walk.

Flora and Aura helped me bag 42 popcorn snacks. Very time consuming. Turns out that she has attended "third grade" and can read a bit and count well. Her seizures are quite profound and I am so very sad when she has one when around me. I hope to figure out how to help her learn.

Eight year old Heidi is adoptable. The USA is not part of the four country pilot program now that Guatemala is ostensibly compliant with the Hague Convention on International Adoption. She is a delight and very sweet child.

I go with MM to Antigua on Friday to see if Angelito can be part of an intensive three month program to stimulate his crawling and walking. They have a broad spectrum of medical capabilities there. Let's pray for Angel.

My lunch club continues to provide me with the best meal of the day. They will close the pool for a month to fix it up. I suspect their total expense won't even equal my 1/200th of the upgrade at the SHort Hills Club.

Little Lizzie Waller followed up with my pal Wendy Wright in D.C. They had a great activity today.

When in Arlington we started planning next two missions trip here. Very exciting and lot's to do.

We are in talks with the local Telethon and hope to participate at some level. We'll see.

There are several sidebar issues. Staffing and compensation as always.. Activities... trips..

Tomorrow we take 20 kids to the park Campo Marti for an outing. SHould be nice.
Thanks for your prayers and reading this...

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