Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Thanks for following this Blog for 2 years!

Click Here for new Site

Thanks to all our friends for their support and donations. In addition to some quality time with my family, Summit Junior League came through again with some great clothing donations. Lot's of interest and support from new friends and old.... thank you. And when I tell you that we need prayer the most, I mean it. We are charting new waters for us and for a blended Christian ministry within a government hospital/orphanage.

In addition to all the clothes, I acquired a couple of wireless video cameras, new HD video camera, new Mac-Mini (for dual boot) and a regular digital camera (GE... how's that work Jack?? Number 1 or two in cameras? always on sale at Radio Shack).

Great time at Allen's wedding. So nice to see him so happy. Also, rented a pontoon boat for Jamie Jr.'s 25th birthday. This type of craft has come a long way in terms of comfort, speed and quiet ride. Rianna graduated from High School on Saturday and is slated to attend a division of my Alma Mater; Syracuse in September.

Byron starts with me tomorrow. Pray for him. I'm going to through it on heavy at the beginnning so he get's it. He is a terrific young man and his wife is expecting a baby in October.


Monday, June 14, 2010

Planning and organizing a bit..

We had a baby shower for Ena on Friday. It was truly moving and I do believe that the Lord touched her heart. The generosity and heartfelt support was wonderful.

I head north on Thursday and am trying to button everything up. We have a good team now watching the kids in the Clinica, so I am confident they will be fine

Second major parasite attack on my guts this weekend. Think we have the formula for treatment now.

I head north on Thursday and am trying to button everything up. We have a good team now watching the kids in the Clinica, so I am confident they will be fine.

The popcorn machine is retired for now.... it was getting out of control. There is a trip to a museum later this week and I will not be here on Thursday the day that they celebrate Father's Day. A group of kids went on an adventure to Retelheu to participate in National sports competition. They should be here momentarily.

Thank you dear reader for your thoughts and prayers...

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


1) June 7th - 23 years for the founder.... clean and sober..

2) Planning Zoo trip on Thursday

3) Grant writing. Trying to gather financial support for additional staff and programming

4) National sports competition for special needs kids this SUnday and Monday. Hope to take 12 kids on an overnite adventure.
I already reminded everyone to make sure we pack the right meds...

5) Founder down for three days with Montezuma's revenge... or is it now Che's revenge. Stay away from the ceviche in the
rainy season. Thanks heavens for modern antibiotics.

6) A couple of sunny days make a huge difference. Too much time indoors and damp effects the mood and spirit.

More than ever, we ask for you to pray for us...

Friday, June 4, 2010

Looking for Local Director

Director Cargo:

Cadanino, un ministerio cristiano basado en EE.UU. está buscando un Director Guatemala basado. Descripción del puesto, incluyendo pero no limitado a:

1) El trabajo directo con los estudiantes en CRPN 25% -50%

2) La coordinación administrativa de los calendarios y los gastos en efectivo

3) La participación y el liderazgo con los maestros CRPN y coordinar las actividades educativas y viajes.

Monday, May 31, 2010

My friends wrote this prayer and it helped keep me focussed

Después de todo lo que ha pasado en nuestro país queremos agradecer a Dios por la vida de cada uno de ustedes, porque están bien y podemos continuar amando, sirviendo y compartiendo con todos aquellos a quienes amamos.

Los queremos mucho y en medio de todo el trabajo que no dudo nos absorve tantoa todos, queremos que sepan que todos estan en nuestros corazones y... qué bueno es poder escribirles y expresarles nuestro cariño.

Oremos por todas esas familias que hoy estan sufriendo, ayudemos a quienes podamos yno nos olvidemos de compartir el glorioso Evangelio de nuestro amado Jesus, Recordemos que !Cristo en Nosotros es la Esperanza de Gloria para muchos!

Bendiciones en el Señor,

Con amor en nuestro Señor Jesús,

Quique &Carol Cazali

Un lugar de Futuro y Esperanza


Yesterday's Sermon was great. I am sooooo close on my Spanish

I re-dedicate myself to an expanded vocabulary.... Come along if you'd like

Sunday, May 30, 2010

VERY very sad day ...

Learned that a friend was killed here on Thursday. He had started a new job within the past month to earn a bit more money. He leaves a wife and a young son. Very sad and scary. Not to diminish his death or victimize the victim, but bus driving is one of the most dangerous jobs in this country. RIP.

God can use the Internet and FaceBook

The first friend to reach out to me about the continuing natural disasters here in Guatemala this morning is an old friend from work. I haven't her in person in almost five years, but I know they are praying for the kids here and me. Isn't that amazing? God touches each heart in a different way at a different time and we have no idea how he will use us. Or, importantly, when and how He will use us.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Sandy Rhodes visit Guate Zona 13

Volcanic Ash in front of the house

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May Birthdays!!

Prayers - Blessings and hopefully CAKE!! ??

Anahi 7
Ingrid 10
Clarita 24
Pasucal 23
Jon 18


Milvia May 10
Jeanet May 11
Alida May 31

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I knew I should not have left....

Where to begin. So much went on in my absence and soooo much catch up...

Anahi had both legs operated on Monday. She has the cutest little blue casts on her legs. SHe stayed overnight in the hospital and is back home. All the iniciales moved back into the infirmary. I may be able to poach their former bedroom as my classroom.

Because a high ranking government official was slated to visit here, there were lot's of improvements to the physical plant. Yippee!! Under a separate group of fotos or videos I will post some of the good stuff.

Good news - Bad News.... Ingrid turned 10 and had the accompanying maturing female thing. If I need to explain my position to you please skip this paragraph. I am very happy that her physionomy will support a normal life expectancy hormonal life.

Angelito went today to be fitted for walking braces. When he gets them, I think he'll still need something to stimulate his brain and the desire to crawl and walk.

Flora and Aura helped me bag 42 popcorn snacks. Very time consuming. Turns out that she has attended "third grade" and can read a bit and count well. Her seizures are quite profound and I am so very sad when she has one when around me. I hope to figure out how to help her learn.

Eight year old Heidi is adoptable. The USA is not part of the four country pilot program now that Guatemala is ostensibly compliant with the Hague Convention on International Adoption. She is a delight and very sweet child.

I go with MM to Antigua on Friday to see if Angelito can be part of an intensive three month program to stimulate his crawling and walking. They have a broad spectrum of medical capabilities there. Let's pray for Angel.

My lunch club continues to provide me with the best meal of the day. They will close the pool for a month to fix it up. I suspect their total expense won't even equal my 1/200th of the upgrade at the SHort Hills Club.

Little Lizzie Waller followed up with my pal Wendy Wright in D.C. They had a great activity today.

When in Arlington we started planning next two missions trip here. Very exciting and lot's to do.

We are in talks with the local Telethon and hope to participate at some level. We'll see.

There are several sidebar issues. Staffing and compensation as always.. Activities... trips..

Tomorrow we take 20 kids to the park Campo Marti for an outing. SHould be nice.
Thanks for your prayers and reading this...

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Back to Guate...

Thanks to you all for a great visit... Lizzie, JJ, Jay, Dave, Kat, Ann, Jud, Audrey, Brij, Jennifer, Ellen, Erin and of course, Stuart and Nancy. Stu and Nancy asked me to share my Testimony today at Church. I enjoyed it and had positive feedback. Fortunately, Bob preached after my short talk. He did a great job and is a phenomenal speaker and his testimony and delivery way above my pay grade....
A great 10 days in Florida, Texas and D.C. I can't wait to get back and see the kids. 3:30 am comes around quickly.... p+l


Saturday, May 22, 2010

One Year Anniversary!! Thanks ya'all

Year in Review
What a fascinating first year we have had at CadaNiño here in Guatemala City. We have firmly established a long term working relationship with the government owned and operated, psychiatric hospital for developmentally disabled orphans. I sometimes refer to our tiny ministry as glorified Candy Stripers (auxiliary hospital volunteers); lots of joy and laughter, but limited line production inside of a complex hospital orphanage. Our small group of five physical therapists are there to help and support the government's medical and administrative staff. Our primary focus has been on los Niños iniciales*, the four children who are completely disabled and that live in the infirmary. In the past twelve months, Ingrid, Angel, Suzi and Anahi have made significant strides in their physical, spiritual and intellectual development. We continue to believe that Ingrid and Anahi will one day walk and that Suzi and Angel will continue to have greater mobility and dexterity.
In January, I moved into my new apartment across from the center. By Guatemalan standards it is quite luxurious and by the standards set last year bouncing around hostels, and boarding houses, it's very nice. (Pictured above: Ramon, Lucas, Jamie)
My view of the southwestern part of the city and country include: a large part of where my kids play outside, unbelievable sunsets and three active volcanoes. The neighborhood is relatively nice and safe by local standards. We are near the airport, the military base and several schools.
The first quarter has not been without its challenges. For a variety of reasons, the general population of the center has increased to around 70 full time residents. This time last year we accommodated only 50, but with the successful completion of a wonderful construction project, we had space for more residents. Unfortunately, the general fund of the hospital did not include an increase in staff. In fact, we (they) have actually shrunk headcount a bit. Additionally, limited finances have pinched the budget for medicines. This situation appears to be improving for now and we do need to be thankful that modern medicine has made this all possible.
Our first Missions-visit trip was a rousing success. We have several great ideas for future groups, interns and maybe even some full time missionaries. It's a quirky environment here, but generally clean and safe. Everything works: "kind of" or "eventually." The missionary visitors are four women who work together at First Rate, Inc. in Dallas Texas: Katherine Brown, Ann Lane, Bridgit Stone and Audrey Whitesides. They immediately bonded with the kids and were profoundly moved by their evolving relationships. One of our more senior residents (Cecilia) elicited a deep and profound moment when she lead us all in prayer after a long day at the center. Additionally, CadaNiño is involved or funding a wide range of educational and entertainment activities for all the children at the center.
On a personal note; I remained enthused and committed to this ministry. It is fun, challenging and exciting. Though I visit USA frequently, I miss my family and friends. I continue to fund 100% of my expenses and the organization's overhead, with all financial donations going directly to the salaries of the physical therapists and nannies. They typically earn between $200 and $300 per month and are frequently single Moms with mouths to feed. It is rewarding to know that it is a win-win situation. The children receive additional help and the employee's are able to make ends meet.
A recent acquisition by CadaNiño is an Orville Redenbacher Hot Air popcorn maker. This has been a huge success. The kids thrill to see the swirling kernels rapidly pop-up and overflow out of the machine. Now if we can only get the ratio of butter and salt perfected....
Hope you will keep us in your prayers and consider us in your giving efforts this year. Also, we would love to host you or a group in this beautiful country. The Mayan history here is truly amazing and visitors are always amazed by the beauty of the country and the kindness of its people.
In His name,
Founder CadaNiño Ministries

Friday, May 21, 2010

Found this post.... My friend is getting ready to publish his

book and he gave us a nice mention on his Guatemala journey.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Indulge me a little Patriotism

We had a guest in the hostal last night from Nigeria. I showed her around the neighborhood; the bakery, Shucos, frutas and tiendas. She did her undergraduate in Houston and heads to Cornell for graduate studies in September. Her worldview was in many areas the opposite of mine.
When we chatted this morning she indicated that she had not had such a positive view of the USA until her recent nine month travel. Apparently, many of the issues that she sees as shortcomings in America she found in all the countries of her travels. In fact, she noted, they are worse!!
Stealing from Churchill and others, we agreed: "Representative Democracy is a terrible form of government, but it's the best by far ever invented." (apologies for inaccuracies of the quote)

Monday, May 10, 2010

Could this be any cuter??? Baila Imatacion

Never ever fight with girls Chupete pierda a una muchacha


They might win!!

Garbage Truck

So I was following this garbage truck and a young man was sitting down and reading a book. I like to think it was the Bible.
By the time I was able to take a photo, he had prepared for their next stop. The sanitation workers union here is not very strong (non-existetnt) so it is typically a pretty bad job with ow wages and few amenities.

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Gracias a Las Familias!!

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Los Reyes Y Canciones

Full Force Palos

Chupete Amarilla

Chino gana cinturón amarillo

Chino Recibe su Amarilla Belt

Saturday, May 8, 2010

We celebrated Mother's Day on Friday!!


We had a nice celebration for Mother's Day yesterday. This holiday appears to be of greater import here than in the States. It's a holiday for government employees with a day off or extra pay.

Our trip to the park to workout for the Special Olympis was re-scheduled because our transport bus had lost it's brakes. Hopefully, we'll have it back by Monday. We had one child returned to her family home because of improved housing and food circumstances. It's great to see this when it can happen.

During the Mothers day celebration, I offered a brief prayer thanking God for our Moms and asking special consideration for those who have already gone to be with the Lord. Our teaching assistants planned and executed the event and introduced a couple of fun and hysterical parlor games. Watch for the videos...

Bless you for thinking of us here....

. .

Friday, April 30, 2010

Another week flies by...

We took several children to visit and orthopedist. More details in separate post, but basically the prognosis is good. Surgery and prosthesis can have big benefit for several of the kids.

We went to a farm today (kind of a petting Zoo) Took around 20 kids and eight staff folk. Just barely enough. It was great! They need more of this type of stimulation. We are talking about getting a couple of rabbits for our classrooms. There had been a problem awhile back with a cat, but the benefits outway the difficulties. You have probably heard the cat story, but if not just ask me next time we chat or send me a message.

Weekend plans include the Jaime movie and foto theater. I set up my classroom with monitors and computers and play slideshows and movies. The kids seem to enjoy the fotos of themselves far more than Hollywood. Maybe it is their short attention span. I also have tons of black and white small fotos and a couple of the folks spend hours "organizing" them and discussing. At the end of the time, we shove them all into the same brown sack and the process begins anew the next time...

Prayers for ENA. Her Baby is due in June and she is getting large...

Sunday, April 25, 2010

I will follow...

Nothing goes according to my plan. I went to the center this morning planning to spend an hour there and then drive to Church. We had a nice prayer lead by Cecilia and sang some Christian Kids faith songs in Spanish. I gave a little talk on Jesus' life and job till he turned 28. The they kids started losing interest. Well, if the Word can hold their attention for 20 minutes (ish), I'll take that as a W.

We watched the second half od Winnie and Tigger- as well as some foto albums on the pc monitor. Before I knew it, it was obvious that the drive to Casa de Libertad was unlikely. We inflated a beach ball and had a ball. Ysis one of the kids of a co-worker is learning some photography and basics of using a computer. We really take these things for granted.

Yesterday was a great day in spite of failing to attend my PEA reunion. Unfirtunately, Flor had a brutal seizure and fell on the floor where we were washing it. These seizures are just exhausting for her. She is very disoriented afterwards, but fairly calm.
In spite of the difficulty, I was glad that I was there for her and could lay hands on her head and pray with her. This photo is from before the episode. You may recognize the T-shirt.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Ann's Lane....

Terrific feedback and memories from our good friend Ann...

So it's been two weeks since we returned from Guatemala and the 4 of us can think of little else. What a profound experience and as we had anticipated - life changing. That said, an anticipated experience reminds of this: when parents are expecting a baby, they anticipate that they will love their child more than anything, but they cannot imagine how much or really what that kind of love represents until they experience it first hand. So - the experience in Guatemala was kind of like that - we expected something, but we could not have anticipated that there were many emotions that would change in hue and intensity. A few of those feelings for me were sadness, gratitude, compassion, dispair, fear, self-evalution, God-ness, joy and of course, love. We knew that it would be an important experience, but I'm not sure any of us could have imagined how important. We've each said it is importat that we capture (or try to capture) these experiences. I've been slow to do so, but it's time I try.

Bridgit's video captured the images of what we saw and with each image is an intense memory. When we arrived and for the 4 days we were there - it was sensory overload: smell, sights, sounds and cognitive accompaniment of wondering 'what can we possibly do to help?' It truly was overwhelming - bars on the doors - self inflicted injuries - unusual behaviors - autisim - Spanish that I couldn't understand - non-words that I couldnt't understand - hands reaching through bars for a brief moment of contact - but ulitmately I was overwhelmed by the universal language of love, touch and kindness. It was in a sense 'shock therapy' for us to re-caliibrate our brains and try to become more aligned with what's important - I'm thankful that those children and adults can remind me how much we are all alike and how much we need each other. Again, we were and are overwhelmed with the question: 'what can we do?' Jaime for sure has answered the call and is navigating through custom and politics to help - and we are blessed enough to have stumbled (coincidence? - probably not) onto the work he is doing. We're hopeful that we can support his efforts and if you visit, I don't doubt that you will be overcome with the desire to help as well.

While I continue with my own spiritual journey and while I struggle because of an early and regular exposure to religious legalism - I trust that I'm being lead to discover more about what God and what Love really mean. There are New Testament words that continue to play frequently in my mind and I believe them...they probably sum up my response to Guatemala:

Suffer the children to come unto me for such is the Kingdom of God.
To him who has been given much, much is required.
All things are possible for those that love God and are called according to his purpose:
For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and a sound mind.

A.L. 2010

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Dear Diary

So the day started watching the nurses sew up the back of Beatrice's head. She had a nasty nasty three inch gash. The hair, blood and thread almost did me in. Poor thing is in so much anguish that these are self inflicted. She has several other scars on her head and is so very frustrated. Her frustration leads her to acting out a lot.

We had two groups visit the center later in the day. A wonderful group of folks from the Neurologico Institute and my friend Jed and his friends from here. The first group has a school for Down Syndrome kids and the later are deeply involved in equine therapies. The horse activities are less than 1000 yards from our center and my house. I am nearly pinching myself with joy. I have been jogging around their facility for over a year now and always noodled with plugging in. Who knows, I may even take some lessons myself. I rode quite a bit as a child but we were too lazy for saddles so always rode bareback.

Appointments with orthopedic technicians tomorrow for Anahi and Ingrid. Should be interesting. Remind me not to be penny wise and pound foolish. This project started a year ago working within the system. Everybody was helpful, kind and professional. The kids have some therapies at another center, but little overall progress was made.

I finished the study of Acts using the Bible Study Podcast. This dude Chris Christiansen has been an excellent teacher. The right level for me. Thoughtful and knowledgeable without being too academic or pedantic. Though it has been a slow study for me, I have a much greater sense of the time line for Paul and the early Church. Also, a much greater appreciation for what they went through and how the Holy Spirit moved them and used them in spite of overwhelming challenges.

I owe Kat my quarterly update for the newsletter. I better get moving on that. Also, preparing for my 35th Exeter ( PEA ) Reunion next week. I seem to have been roped into three panel or activities. I am looking forward to seeing old friends.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Rosario Turns 20 years old Feliz Cumpleanos

Pizza and Birthday Cake!!!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Thanks Brij and Friends for a great week and a great

video.. Brij, you are a genius. Do you remember the dinner we had where we heard this song...?? Nice insider touch...

Friday, April 16, 2010

Week in Review.

Five days have passed since my re-enforcement troops returned to their primary posts. They strengthened our courage, resolve and commitment when they were here and still while they are remote. Excuse the troop analogy, but it really does feel like a battle some days. We know the good guys win in the end and in this case there is really no no enemy, but the extraordinary large pool of need is a mountain that does need to be attacked and taken. Kat, Brij, Audrey and Ann really were a powerful Blessing to the kids and myself. The kids keep asking for them and are so appreciative of any attention or act of kindness. Cecilia has appointed herself the guardian of my classroom and offers a running commentary on the photo montage on my computer screen. She gets so excited when she sees First Rate folks. Sometimes she'll run out of the room to drag someone in and point one of you out. She gets fuzzy on names, but had Tia Ann's name on the ready yesterday. You're all either my daughter, sister, Mother or wife according to her and the others. I just answer, "Si" to the familial questioning. Cecilia also always ask for my Mom and wants to pray for her. My Mom had the good news yesterday that her Melanoma had not metastasized.
The 5 days the FR folks spent here were great for me and this ministry. The morning Devo's were a great time to get together and reflect at a deeper level. The day to day fray can be so demanding that I lose sight of the Lord's vision for the community of CRPN and FR(usa), etc.
I love talking about kids, the center, the neighborhood and the country. For me, it is a Blessing to find people interested in this quirky little ministry.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

That still and small voice in my morning meditation

Was not saying, "take a few weeks off and indulge yourself with worldly luxuries." Nope, instead I heard, "Get moving. Times awasting. There is need right in front of you." I said, "Drats" and got moving.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Video Shoutout to Friends who are coming

Hope your Spanish is good enough to follow along. I had asked them to tell you a bit about themselves.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Good Friday and comensurate challenges

After planning little for Holy week here, I realized that the center was very short staffed and the kids had even less to do than usual. I have been fiddling with videos and movies. Very mixed results. Extremely short attention spans and heads in motion with profound autism. I have had better experience with Youtube kids cartoons and have leaned toward the classic Sunday School class type songs. Many of these folks have been institutionalized for many years and have a working knowledge of bible songs and concepts. We sang the song we used to sing skiing... "jesus loves me this I know, because he brings me powder snow...." Just kidding- sacrilege eh? No, the famous song that Jesus loves me because the Bible tells me so.....Nothing like an old standard on Good Friday

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Happy Gurl!!

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Ah.. sweet luxuries of life...

Four days without high speed Internet. Almost as bad as a few days without running water, I have no idea how dependent I have become on the things we take for granted. Limited access to internet for me means less interaction with friends and family. More pressure to focus on activities and plan ahead. I am so spontaneous and laissez-faire that if drives people around me a bit nuts at times. The past few days with little internet and projects here, USA and in the "cloud" I have been challenged.
Last night I walked out of my nearby house and stood on sidewalk in front of the government center. It was 9:15 ish. Technically, not dangerous, but with no street lamps I could not see anything till the last minute. It is a C- neighborhood. Not very good, but not the worst. The problem is that bad things happen in all neighborhoods: even the areas with private security. I was not frightened per se, but I was aware of read, send and go home quickly.

Anyway, today I am enjoying the benefits of TurtleNet here at work. About the speed of AOL dial up circa 1996. Ok for email, but not much else. So much of what I do is photography that is is very limiting.

Another day in the life... I prepared a cute foto presentation of Suzi this morning and can hopefully get that up and running.....

Pray for the kids here at Easter please. Little planned to celebrate the Day in our Lord's life

Friday, March 26, 2010

WOWIE ZOWIE 250 Pounds of Clothing - Junior League of SUmmit is the BEST

Thank you so very much to the "Thrift Shop" in Summit operated by the Junior League of Summit. They have thoughtfully renamed the store, "The Second Time Round." For the second time they have come through with terrific quantity of donated clothing.
I have always known that they do fine work and really help people, but I can tell you from today's vantage point, this is awesome. My "kids" really need this stuff and I had started taping out my immediate friends and family for used clothing donations. Because of Continental Airlines, I am able to check three large bags with up to 75 pounds each at no additional charges. I have the blessing to see first hand how the things that we are able to discard is put to very good use.

So. please support and thank the Junior League near you....

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Lord Loves a cheerful giver.

This morning a friend made a generous contribution to CadaNino. Most of you know my ambivalence and self consciousness when it comes to asking for money for the kids. I feel good that almost all of my expenses go towards supporting them, so at least I am eating my own cooking.

My pal gave in a way that reminded me of this parable. For me, it is always a challenge. When I had a good job and my tithe looked substantial, was I doing enough? We won't know for some time to come, but I know in this case, he was stretching to make the gift and that means a lot. I told him first and formost to always pray for CadaNino and all the kids. I always thought people just said that and because I was in sales, I always thought only of making the sale. From my current vantage point, I really see that better now..... Anyway, to refresh your memory of Mark 12

The Widow's Offering

41 Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury. Many rich people threw in large amounts. 42 But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins,[j]worth only a fraction of a penny.[k]
43 Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, "I tell you the truth, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. 44They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything—all she had to live on."

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Great Event at Zoo for Down Syndrome Day.

My writing skill do not begin to give justice to this special event. It was one of the most heart warming and moving events of my adult life. Obviously, having worked in this realm the past year I had greater appreciation for the whole event and how much it meant to my kids to watch. We only took 3 of our Downs kids and 12 of our other kids with special needs. They were really appreciative and responded very well. Two hours walking around the animals was a hoot, but perhaps tiring


Cool organization installing water filters and spreading the Good News: A couple of weeks ago, my friends Sergio and Nixie spent the afternoon with us here at CRPN. They were en route to deliver a couple of water systems to remote villages. This is an amazing organization that delivers something that most of us take for granted: clean healthy drinking water.

"On March 4 and 5, Sergio and Nixie will visit CadoNino, a foundation dedicated to supporting orphans especially those with special needs. CadoNino currently works with CPRN a residential center in Guatemala City for children with special needs. The center is owed and operated by the Guatemalan government social services agencies and has about 50 residents. Cato Nino with a staff of four professionals works to supplement the limited government staff by providing education and developmental activities for these special children. Even government facilities in Guatemala do not always have clean water and HeartSprings will visit this and other facilities to determine if the Safe Water System can be used to provide safe water. Sergio and Nixie while there will share the love of Jesus with these children and staff alike."

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

International Down Syndrome day! Did you know?

That March 21st is designated as Down Syndrome Day? I did not until it was brought to my attention. We are participating in the day here in Guatemala tomorrow at the Zoo. Not sure how large the event is, but certainly looking forward to it. We have five children with Downs and they are wonderful.

"Down Syndrome International (DSI) has officially earmarked 21 March as World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD). The date was chosen to signify the uniqueness of Down syndrome in the triplication (trisomy) of the 21st chromosome and is used synonymously with Down syndrome. Commemoration of World Down Syndrome Day started on 21 March 2006, it has " grown " manifold globally."

"The annual observance of WDSD aims to promote awareness and understanding of Down syndrome and related issues : and to mobilise support and recognition of the dignity, rights and well being of persons with Down syndrome.

DSi has decided not to designate specific themes , thus giving greater flexibility for individuals and organisations Worldwide to select a theme that would be relevant to their community. Most WDSD activities have had a tremendous impact , as it showcases the abilities, talents and accomplishments of persons with Down syndrome. Celebrating WDSD proactively has empowered persons with Down syndrome and their communities globally. Many have partnered and engaged with civil society & youth with positive outcomes.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Seven Baptisms ...One day.

As the unofficial cameraman, I was busy clicking away during the immersions. The Holy Spirit was present and all were moved. Great to see Staci, Katey and Alycia take the plunge. They are really great young woman. Fun to see Quique in his undershirt in the pool as well. God is Good.

Henri Nouwen

I was introduced to the writings and teachings of this guy awhile ago. I thought his material interesting and relevant, but I did not dig into it. Lately, I spend more time reading him and listening to his audio and video. He is able to articulate the feelings and connections when working with special kids in a way that I admire.
I also receive a quote of the day from his organization: From Today:

Bringing the Spirit Through Leaving

It is often in our absence that the Spirit of God manifests itself. When Jesus left his disciples he said: "It is for your own good that I am going, because unless I go, the Paraclete [the Spirit] will not come to you. However, when the Spirit of truth comes he will lead you to the complete truth" (John 16: 7;13). It was only in Jesus' absence that his friends discovered the full meaning of his presence. It was only in his absence that they completely understood his words and experienced full communion with him; and it was only in his absence that they could gather in a community of faith, hope, and love.

When we claim for ourselves that we come to our friends in the Name of Jesus - that through us Jesus becomes present to them - we can trust that our leaving will also bring them the Spirit of Jesus. Thus, not only our presence but also our absence becomes a gift to others.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Visit to Fundaninos in San Jose Pinula

Always a fun afternoon. There is amazing construction going on. The missionaries from Acts 29 are finishing the second floor of the infant and toddler house. So much activity and joy!! The traffic in and out of the city was unbelievable. Tio Edgar commented that it was one of the worst days of traffic in his 5 year tenure as taxista.

Fiddling with PhotoBooth we had fun.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Kemp asks Waller for Football Advice...

The highlight of the weekend was Jeff Kemp (former NFL Quarterback) asking me about how to improve his football skills. Having watched football for years, I offered him several unsolicited pointers and advice on plays, techniques and rules. He graciously accepted my input and will clearly benefit from the insights of this armchair Quarterback.

Special shout out to Ted, Jim, Robby, Ellen, Warren, Jennifer, Mary Margaret, Tim, Paul, John, Bob, Stuart, Nancy,Jeff, Wendy and of course Ed.
Make sure you see Kim Dawson's new film, "Letters to God"

The best part of the conference as always was the late night Prayer gathering. Stuart leads us and really touches all of us. The other highlight for me was the opportunity to tell friends about where we are in our journey and get their insights into where we go. Studying other models for ministry and mission are helpful to our journey. All of us have unique and common challenges. I am happy to learn at the feet of such a wonderful teacher and fantastic classmates.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Doctor Director... we are hard at work

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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Prayer Works.. Thanks for prayers for my Mom

Just got this note from my brother.... very very good news

"Bee called me after getting home from her latest consult with Shattner. The CT scan taken on Monday indicates that the problem spot identified in the CT scan from October is no longer there. Shattner said this is very good news and asked Bee to come back for a checkup in 6 months. Bee did not know why the change, and really does not care.

Bee was elated and felt like a great weight had been lifted. She also indicated that the reduced creatinine levels reported by her nephrologist had also been very welcome news that made her feel much relieved."

¨¨Shocked.. I tell you I am shocked¨¨

The quote from Casablanca when the inspector discovers gambling inside of Rick´s cafe.


Eleven-month investigation led to the dismantling of a clandestine structure dedicated to drug trafficking, which was embedded in the National Civil Police (PNC), so yesterday was captured Baltazar Gomez, director of that institution, and two in charge of fighting drug in the country.

The investigations were made by the International Commission against Impunity in Guatemala (CICIG), prosecutors and investigators from the Interior.

The investigation began with the armed confrontation occurred in April 2009 in Amatitlan, when it was established that a police party of the cargo robbed drug traffickers linked to the Zetas.

It was thus found that Baltazar Gomez, who until recently served as director of the PNC; Nelly Bonilla, principal in charge of combating drug trafficking, and the officer Fernando Carrillo, highlighted in the Ports and Airports of that institution, were part dome responsible for several robberies of drug.

First Testimonial of visiting Missionary .

My buddy Nelson came down and jumped right into the fray. He has a heart for service and needy children. Here is his commentary:

I had one of the most amazing and rewarding experiences in my life when I visited the complex that Jamie volunteers with the special kids in Guatemala city.
Jamie and I spent my days in Guatemala playing with the kids and talking to them and we tried to give the all the love that they are lacking from being abandoned from their own families. It is really amazing how much love these kids need; they would come up to you and give you a hug with so much love and express their gratitude by telling you things such as thank you, or thank you and you are my dad.
It really left me with tears on my eyes just to see how good these people are and the extraordinary job that Jamie is doing down there, and I really cannot wait to go back.
The most shocking of my trip was when I fed a kid who was on a wheelchair and he could not even pick up his own spoon to feed himself, it really makes you thank God and think about the things you take for granted such as something that we do so routinely and we don't even think about it like eating, smiling, walking, etc..
I hope that more people start coming down and help these kids because they really need it. It makes me upset when I see that the normal orphan kids get so much help from our country but not too many of us are willing to deal with the special need kids and they are the ones that need it the most. If you ever want to come down and help I assure you it will be a tremendous rewarding experience and also Guatemala is a great place to vacation after you are done helping.


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Carwash and Planting flowers

some pics

Monday, March 1, 2010

more about Adoptions

Guatemala Adoptions?

Need to be a detective to figure out what this means. Also, what it means to CRPN.

Through a letter, Hans van Loon, Secretary General of the Hague Conference on Private International Law-entity that oversees the implementation of the Hague Convention on international adoptions, "reaffirms its support for the pilot project of the entity Guatemala.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Pastors Sergio Nixie y Carlos visita Centro

Dia Lindo



Theories and practice behind small sums of money for this type of kids. One girl had her purse stolen with about 80 cents and the reaction was to crack down on all financial incentives. They take such pride in having a couple of pennies and buying a bag of chips or candy bar. Breaks my heart to see the complete closing of a door that can bring them pleasure and a feeling of independence. Sonia, the girl who had the money stolen, works outside the center a tiny bit and people give her 10 or 20 cents from time to time. I am probably most guilty of said activity. Another woman Flor frequently works in the kitchen. She is happy for the activity and to be out of the main fray. Does anybody know how people address these issues?? Remember... no potential support for infrastructure or an activity that would further burden the over burdened staff.

Also... do you have any knowledge on formatting in Blogger? I think the front page needs work.

Lizzie is here and spent the afternoon with me at CRPN

She did really well with the kids and plugged right in with Cecelia. Lizzie remembered that I call her The Jefe - or little Genral or .....

Lizzie loaned her the english spanish dictionary for the nigth so she could study up. Never mind that she is 43 and thinks she is 12.

Anyway - Big day ahead. Our friends Sergio and Nixie are flying in from Costa Rica.

Fotos de ayer

Friday, February 26, 2010

Jumping Rope

What a joy to see the kids playing and having fun. Of course these things are always rigged against the boys. I mean, do you really want to win the jump rope contest. ANyway, Katti always seems to win and she should. She is a great kid with terrific coordination- except when she rode the bike full speed down the hill into the metal security door. We drove her to the ambulance center because the open gash in her arm almost went down to the bone. I was say the least. Anyway- she is recovered and the best dancer and jump roper now!!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Another day in Paradise... well kind of

Beautiful sunrise here and a great day ahead. I am struck by the many challenges we face individually and collectively. As we start to develop routines and normalized schedules I am amazed by the hard work the employees of Cadanino. Long hours and sometimes difficult conditions are always present. A new woman Patti is really doing great. She seems to have broken through to Angelito! He was more animated in his interaction with her than I recall seeing him. He has been so very hard for me to reach.
I have been trying to jog in the mornings and then it is easier to stay at the center later in the day. Late afternoons are always interesting. The "off times" have always revealed what is really going on in anyplace. I always liked to work the Friday after Thanksgiving or the week between Christmas and New Years. People let their guard down and are more candid about the challenges they face (or avoid).

Lizzie comes to visit later this week. I can't wait. When she came last Easter, we were a work in progress and I was very distracted by a project. She went with my Mom to the Doctors yesterday in NY. Also, we will see our friends Sergio and Nixie on Saturday. They are Pastors from Costa Rica and like family to us.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Mama rockin' my cradle or 5.6 Earthquake?

Just another day...

Moderate 5.6 magnitude quake reported in Guatemala -USGS
23 Feb 2010 11:32:54 GMT
Source: Reuters
WASHINGTON, Feb 23 (Reuters) - A moderate 5.6 magnitude earthquake shook Guatemala early on Tuesday, the U.S. Geological Survey reported.
The quake hit at 4:52 a.m. local time (1052 GMT) at a depth of 4.5 miles (7 km), centred 51 miles (83 km) north northeast of Huehuetenago, and 106 miles (171 km) north northwest of Guatemala City.
A 5.6 magnitude quake is capable of considerable damage but there were no immediate reports of damage or injuries.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Great weekend! Nelson delivered 50 pounds of chicken

and bananas to our friends at Fundaninos and a ton of soccer and kickballs to CRPN.

It was great for me to have a buddy to explain what we are up to. What we can do and what we steer clear of.
Walking around the super store to buy toys for the kids, we got to brainstorm about what works and what doesn't.
He was intuitive and insightful quickly. The CRPN kids are really tough on everything and it has to be durable
and functional. He acquired a blow up punching(like) bag for small children and the kids loved it.
He had the opportunity to help feed kids at lunch. He had the assignment of helping Moises to eat and
he found it very rewarding and emotional. What more can we ask for?

Great news about my FR friends. They are coming down in April! One project will be some type of profiling and
story telling about each of the kids. Many of them have lost their personal stories and have no fotos of their earlier
years. We approximate birth dates for some and have invented names for some.

My daughter Lizzie is coming to visit this week and I head to NYC to see Ma in the beginning of March. No rented car for
me this week. Helps keep me focused on the kids. I have just enough of a life here that I can get distracted with the think of thin

I debate posting things like the article about the bud drivers assistant. I don't want to be alarmist, but danger is very real. I say this for visitors and not for myself. I am clever and keep a very low profile. Those of you who know me well, know that I am a big mouthed know it all and keeping quiet is not my strength. In this case, I take it very seriously. I do not cower in fear, but I do not stroll cavalierly around the neighborhood or city either.

Have a good week.... unless you have already made other plans

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Not cool.. The bus 83 that serves our neighborhood is attacked

The 83 bus was attacked on Thursday and the young man who collects the money was murdered. He was the first cousin of our friend Celeste and know by folks in our neighborhood and those that travel by bus to and from work.
In less than two months there have been 16 bus drivers assesinated here in the capital.

This is sad and scary.

2.Otro ataque fue perpetrado en el transcurso de la tarde sobre la 20 avenida y 2a. calle zona 6. El hecho cobró la vida de un ayudante de la ruta 83 que provenía de la Colonia La Reinita con destino a la Colonia Santa Fe zona 13. Se trata de un menor de 17 años identificado como Juan Luis Morales, la víctima fue reconocida por su progenitora Maritza Morales, mientras que el piloto fue atendido por crisis


2.Other attack was carried out during the afternoon on the 20th Avenue and 2nd. calle zona 6. El hecho cobró la vida de un ayudante de la ruta 83 que provenía de la Colonia La Reinita con destino a la Colonia Santa Fe zona 13. Street Zone 6. The fact killed an aide of Route 83 that came from the colony's Warbler bound for the Santa Fe area 13. Se trata de un menor de 17 años identificado como Juan Luis Morales, la víctima fue reconocida por su progenitora Maritza Morales, mientras que el piloto fue atendido por crisis nerviosa. This is a child under 17 years identified as Juan Luis Morales, the victim was recognized by her mother Maritza Morales, while the pilot was treated for nervous breakdown.

and from another paper...

Por Prensa

17:29 | 18/02/2010

Juan Luis Pérez, de 17 años, ayudante de un piloto de autobús de la ruta 83, murió esta tarde al ser atacado a balazos en la 20 avenida y 2ª. calle de la zona 6. Este es el segundo ataque armado contra trabajadores del transporte colectivo.

El piloto del bus resultó ileso, pero sufrió crisis nerviosa.

El occiso fue identificado por un familiar, indicaron Bomberos Municipales.

Preliminarmente se indicó que el automotor se dirigía de la zona 6 hacia el centro de la capital, cuando un delincuente disparó contra el ayudante.

Por la mañana, dos hombres mataron a tiros al piloto de un autobús urbano en la colonia Maya, zona 18. La víctima fue identificada como David Giovany Mayén.

En repudio al ataque los compañeros del conductor asesinado paralizaron el servicio y bloquearon el paso hacia la colonia Maya.

Con este ataque, sube a 16 el número de pilotos que han muerto de forma violenta en lo que va del 2010.

Pilots and People

My new pal Nelson from Atlanta is here for a few days helping with the kids. He has a servant heart and love for children. In his free time from commercial airline pilot he pursues the neediest of the needy kids to help support and feed them. Since we have enough food at CRPN, he is helping in other ways and we are learning and evolving as we go. He visited the kids with me as we were winding down for the day and immediately bonded with Heidi and a couple of the others.

For me, it is a joy when someone plugs in and "Gets it." Though I am a verboose former english major, I have difficulty explaining what we are doing. My feeling is 2 or 3 fotos of us and you either get it or you don't. I am happy for you if you don't get it. This is not for everybody.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Teacher to coach at Puerto Rico Regional Special Olimpics Game

Teacher, Rocio Santizo, is supervising and coaching the Guatemala delegation to the Special Olimpics in Puerto Rico. They left today and will be actively competing for the next several days. Rocio is actually the head of educational initiatives at CRPN and a good friend. She is smart and hardworking.

And from Deguate Publication

Juramentaciòn Olimpiadas Especiales
18 Feb, 2010 - 11:44:35

Con la firme convicción de representar su deporte y sobre todo a Guatemala, fueron juramentados el 15 de febrero los atletas que participarán en los II Juegos Latinoamericanos de Olimpiadas Especiales, que se realizarán en la ciudad de San Juan, Puerto Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico, del 18 al 27 de febrero del año en curso.

La juramentación estuvo a cargo del General Sergio Camargo Muralles, quien instó a los atletas ha realizar su mejor papel, y a la vez los felicitó por los logros que han alcanzado hasta el momento. También felicito a los padres y a las personas que colaboran estrechamente con los atletas.

La delegación está integrada por los atletas Valentina Bolos, Laura Marroquín, Alfonso Romero y Oraldo González, quienes competirán en atletismo, en las pruebas de 25 y 50 metros.

Acompañan a esta delegación: Karla Sosa (Jefe de Delegación), Yaeko Cifuentes (Subjefe de la Delegación), Rocío Santizo (entrenador), y Héctor Ramos (Subentrenador).

Durante el acto de juramentación la entidad de Olimpiadas Especiales otorgó un pin representativo al Comité Olímpico Guatemalteco y a sus patrocinadores, por el apoyo que día con día brinda a esta noble institución.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Bring in the Clowns!!

A great day yesterday with our clown volunteers! This great group of folks volunteer every other week to come and entertain the kids. They are associated with a dental group and they are a true Blessing. We need 5 more groups just like them!!

Dia de Cenizas

I guess it was my Episcopalian roots. Today was a nice day at the center with a couple of very nice priests giving a service to the kids. A very thoughtful and appropriate homily. And then the ashes. Several kids were eager all morning for the service.
Very nice...

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Prayer Partners on duty and looking for more....

We have prayer partners for our kids. Below is a prayer that was written by one of our prayer partners. What our kids need most is your love and prayers. Their material needs are principally addressed by the Guatemalan government. They need your love and someone who cares about them. We have shied away from the monetary adopt a child concept. Maybe someday we can have video cams operating to visit with kids. We really don't want money (at this point) but do want you to think about and love these kids. If you think you would be intersested in being a prayer partner pls let Ann Lane know at this email or me We hope to have the foto albums associated with the names. We have skad of fotos, but need to find the time to associate the names with the individuals.

The prayer one of our fearless and anonymous prayer warriors wrote -

"Lord, wrap your loving arms around these children and adults in Guatemala and let them feel safe and peaceful today.

Please Dear Father,Calm their fears, dry their tears, and heal their spirits and bodies. Let them know that help and hope is on the way.

In Jesus' name, I pray for your children -

Alter Moises Martínez Aguirre,
Alfonso Martín,
Evelia Martíz,
Oscar Mart,
Elfido Augusto Marroquin
Héctor Miguel,
Tomas F Muñoz,
Hugo Paìz
