Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Ah.. sweet luxuries of life...

Four days without high speed Internet. Almost as bad as a few days without running water, I have no idea how dependent I have become on the things we take for granted. Limited access to internet for me means less interaction with friends and family. More pressure to focus on activities and plan ahead. I am so spontaneous and laissez-faire that if drives people around me a bit nuts at times. The past few days with little internet and projects here, USA and in the "cloud" I have been challenged.
Last night I walked out of my nearby house and stood on sidewalk in front of the government center. It was 9:15 ish. Technically, not dangerous, but with no street lamps I could not see anything till the last minute. It is a C- neighborhood. Not very good, but not the worst. The problem is that bad things happen in all neighborhoods: even the areas with private security. I was not frightened per se, but I was aware of read, send and go home quickly.

Anyway, today I am enjoying the benefits of TurtleNet here at work. About the speed of AOL dial up circa 1996. Ok for email, but not much else. So much of what I do is photography that is is very limiting.

Another day in the life... I prepared a cute foto presentation of Suzi this morning and can hopefully get that up and running.....

Pray for the kids here at Easter please. Little planned to celebrate the Day in our Lord's life

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