Wednesday, March 3, 2010

First Testimonial of visiting Missionary .

My buddy Nelson came down and jumped right into the fray. He has a heart for service and needy children. Here is his commentary:

I had one of the most amazing and rewarding experiences in my life when I visited the complex that Jamie volunteers with the special kids in Guatemala city.
Jamie and I spent my days in Guatemala playing with the kids and talking to them and we tried to give the all the love that they are lacking from being abandoned from their own families. It is really amazing how much love these kids need; they would come up to you and give you a hug with so much love and express their gratitude by telling you things such as thank you, or thank you and you are my dad.
It really left me with tears on my eyes just to see how good these people are and the extraordinary job that Jamie is doing down there, and I really cannot wait to go back.
The most shocking of my trip was when I fed a kid who was on a wheelchair and he could not even pick up his own spoon to feed himself, it really makes you thank God and think about the things you take for granted such as something that we do so routinely and we don't even think about it like eating, smiling, walking, etc..
I hope that more people start coming down and help these kids because they really need it. It makes me upset when I see that the normal orphan kids get so much help from our country but not too many of us are willing to deal with the special need kids and they are the ones that need it the most. If you ever want to come down and help I assure you it will be a tremendous rewarding experience and also Guatemala is a great place to vacation after you are done helping.


1 comment:

Notes to Self said...

What a great testimonial. I've thought for some time that these kids have a ministry all their own that serves any that connect with them. We have a notion that we are here to help them (which we are and should) but I do think the surprise is that they prompt us to give and love unconditionally, to connect with that which important, and to embrace the gifts we've been given. The Dallas group can't wait to get there in April...Thank you Nelson for your sharing your experience!