Wednesday, February 10, 2010

My Susi gets a Reprieve!

We took Susi this morning at 5:00 am to be evaluated for a possible placement in a specialized Children's Hospital in Antigua called Hermano Pedro. Looks like she and Elfido will be moving there at the end of the month. Realistically, they can much better serve her needs. We all love her: since she has no communication skills, she expresses everything through her face. She has a smile that could warm any heart. She is really quite capitivating. We ran out of formula so I had the pleasure of helping her devour mashed potatoes and then she did me the favor of also devouring my Flan - which kept those 300 calories going straight to my waist. We were also able to place Joannah at the Hogar known as Manchen. She is a sweet teenager and has fairly normal intelligence so her needs will be much better met there. All in all a few wild days. I won't post anything about Rudy's funeral because it was so sad, complicated and raw. It was a beautiful ceremeny and the long procession to the cemetery was unbelievably moving.
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