Sunday, February 14, 2010

Psalm 8287

Not really a Psalm, but maybe a confession - plea - lamentation - meditation.

Trying to find words and format to describe our challenges, joys, blessings and struggles. They are all so intertwined. This group of children are wonderfully perplexing and the challenges are truly multi-dimensional. Our lives together are as much an inner dialogue between me and God as well as the outward expression of improving their quality of life and relationship.

Covey calls it, "the thick of thin things." That is a huge part of my day to day struggle. When ministering to the needs of these kids; and importantly the needs of the people who work with them, what is a "thin thing?" I try to bring snacks and treats for the staff on weekends and evenings. Try to cheer them up and relate to them personally. Each individual is so very special in the eyes of God (and hopefully mine). Yet there is not time in the day or candies in the store, that can bring the joy of the Gospel.

I also frequently struggle with: micro - macro. My main focus is the clinica quatro (four invalids in the clinic). I try to spend as much face time with them as I can. I also try to spend what we USA parents call "quality time" with them. We could discuss the folly and complexity of quality time, but suffice to say, it means that we take time when not on the cell phone, making lists or planning to do something else. With Autistic kids, being in the now and having presence is brutally difficult. There are seldom major breakthroughs and each step forward is matched with one back, one to the side and one lying down...:)

Days here are full. Typically arise between 6:30 and 7:00. Morning prayers and organizing. Visiting with folks in the hostal and then off to work. Six days a week, I spend the day till 5:00 pm at the center with the kids. Cadanino has 4 employees and the government has 40 employees that I work with. Everybody is great and I love these folks. With a unique year end planning and restructuring, the government is doing an impressive job of trying to manage a process and improve the outcome and services. If you have a corporate background, you understand what I mean by that former sentence. If you don't know the ultra secret double entendre codes of corporate double speak; the organizational and budgeting process is brutal. Especially if there is too little money and too much turnover. Though I am not a part of the process of change for the staff, I certainly feel their pain. Many of these folks have become close personal friends.

If you have read this far, you are still wondering why I named it Psalm 8287. Clearly this is not a psalm nor a prayer. Not even really a meditation. The number 8287 is the number of days since I was last separated from alcohol. Not very interesting to most folks, but certainly relevant to me. The challenges of this ministry need to be maintained within the context of recovering people. My grandiosity really wants me to fix all these kids and right now! I am massively frustrated with how slow progress is and how limited the improvement in physical and educational milestones are.

Thanks for reading...

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