Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Prayer Partners on duty and looking for more....

We have prayer partners for our kids. Below is a prayer that was written by one of our prayer partners. What our kids need most is your love and prayers. Their material needs are principally addressed by the Guatemalan government. They need your love and someone who cares about them. We have shied away from the monetary adopt a child concept. Maybe someday we can have video cams operating to visit with kids. We really don't want money (at this point) but do want you to think about and love these kids. If you think you would be intersested in being a prayer partner pls let Ann Lane know at this email or me We hope to have the foto albums associated with the names. We have skad of fotos, but need to find the time to associate the names with the individuals.

The prayer one of our fearless and anonymous prayer warriors wrote -

"Lord, wrap your loving arms around these children and adults in Guatemala and let them feel safe and peaceful today.

Please Dear Father,Calm their fears, dry their tears, and heal their spirits and bodies. Let them know that help and hope is on the way.

In Jesus' name, I pray for your children -

Alter Moises Martínez Aguirre,
Alfonso Martín,
Evelia Martíz,
Oscar Mart,
Elfido Augusto Marroquin
Héctor Miguel,
Tomas F Muñoz,
Hugo Paìz


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